Monday 30 May 2011


I am doing a series of works using toys. This one 'dominoes' is the first one completed with 2 more in progress.

Rolling Pins

Painting lots of wooden rolling pins for latest 3D work. About 18 large and 30 small!

Wednesday 25 May 2011


I photographed my artwork "Record" and had it made into an acrylic facemount at King & Parry , Newcastle. A very expensive framing option but looks great. Selling for $320.

Tuesday 24 May 2011


I have about 300 photographic images. They are available as magnets, cards, gift tags, photo books and  in a variety of individual or collaged frames. For a complete brochure of all of the photos and prices you can request by email or phone 49611290 mobile 0418443634.
Here is an example of a collage frame with childsafe plastic windows instead of glass. You can choose the photographs for each frame. This frame with photos sells for $80.

Monday 23 May 2011


New T-shirt design. My son Lukes drawing from when he was 8 (Luke is now  17!). His name is 'FRED'.
If anyone would like a t-shirt done let me know size and colour and I will give you a price or send me a t-shirt and just pay for printing. This shirt is size 000.

Sunday 22 May 2011

New thermal screen printing machine!

Wow I bought a battery operated thermal screen printing machine at quite a reasonable price, around $400.
This is the first image I tried on it. It's a drawing Luke did when he was 8. Exciting...can't wait to put more images on screens!!!


I have been experimenting with different ways to frame my art works. I had this one done at King & Parry framing. If anyone needs framing done they are very helpful and artistic.
This fabric print is for sale  for $150 - 105 x 45cm.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Making boxes

Todays project was to finish glueing together 29 wooden boxes. The boxes were small flat packed timber construction sets of toy pirate treasure chests. Keeping the timber packaging frames as well.
Not exactly sure what the end product will turn out like but I have some ideas and visions...will post any progress.


Welcome to Art for the Young at Heart.

I would like to share with you some of the art work I have been enjoying producing over the last few years.
Having worked with 3-5 year olds for over 20 years I sometimes feel like I am seeing the world through their eyes and most of my work has a child-like theme.
I love being able to share my art with the children, involving them in developing ideas for new works.
I also receive great joy from inspiring children to create their own art.
At the moment I am trying to fully complete enough works to exhibit - When and where I do not know yet????
I will be adding images of my prints, sculptures and photos which I hope you enjoy, whether you are young or just young at heart like me!